Yep! Another 365 Blog

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 is all about....

Recommitting, 2009 brought about many challenges! Which left me ignoring things I just could not find time for! In 2010 I intend to recommit my life to things I love... God, Photography, Family, and Learning. The learning started in 2009 when I went back to school to pursue a nursing degree. Family is always important and I just intend to make a point to spend time more regularly with the kids one on one! As for God I am hoping to get in practice of reading one spiritual book a month, sometimes it will be the books in the bible, sometimes actual books about growing spiritually.

Now on to the photography... I am going to do my best to stick to Project 365 this year! I missed Jan. 1st... but Hey, no one ever said Project 365 had to start on Jan 1st... :)

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