Yep! Another 365 Blog

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I actually have been taking A LOT Pictures, just not processing and uploading them right away. Today I decided I was taking a day off from the mess of the basement and the rest of the house... So why not play catch up... I have not gotten a pic taken everyday, but there are still a lot of pics to catch up on.

Sophia, Taken Feb 3rd:

Sophia bowling for the first time on a trip for school, taken Feb 4th:

Sophia at Zach's Wrestling Meet running from the camera Taken Feb 10th:

A stack of books I have either began to read and not finished, or need to start Taken Feb 12th


  1. I love the picture of Sophia at the bowling alley. And the first one too is really cute. Nice to see new pictures on here again :-)

  2. I too love the bowling picture of Sophia. And The stack of books is great...nice conversion!
